Thank you for your interest in taking the first step toward becoming a member of the HSNMB Board of Directors. Our board members are dedicated and passionate about the welfare of all animals in our North Myrtle Beach Community.

Please take some time to review the information on these documents. They will help you to understand what being an HSNMB Board Member means. Our mission is critical to the animals and people that we serve. You may find after reviewing this material that being a Board Member just isn’t for you. Please don’t be disappointed – being a board member isn’t for everyone, and there are still many other ways in which you can help us at HSNMB. Give us a call – we’d love to discuss how we can work together.

The mission of The Humane Society of North Myrtle Beach is to find loving and permanent homes for abandoned animals, provide first-rate veterinary care through our experienced local veterinarians; offer low-cost spay and neuter programs for dogs and cats; and reach out to children, teachers, and parents through the education of pet responsibility. The heart of our organization is our dedication and professionalism. The Humane Society of North Myrtle Beach is a non-profit 501(c) organization.

The Board of Directors of the Humane Society of North Myrtle Beach is a very important position to the success of our organization. Terms are for three years.

Board Member Responsibilities

Board positions require time and energy commitment that should not be underestimated. Candidates are urged to consider personal priorities for the next year as well as the ways to contribute to the development of the organization. Please read the attached Board Member Agreement to make sure this is the fit for you.

Time and Financial Considerations


  Board Meetings are monthly (the date varies and is set at each board meeting).

  Conference Calls (can be monthly) for updates on programs, setting policy and approving committee work.

  Special Events & Fundraisers

Becoming a Board Member of The Humane Society of NMB

When you become a member of the HSNMB Board of Directors, you are helping shape the future of the homeless and unwanted animals that come to us for shelter and care. The responsibilities are great, but the satisfaction is second to none! Please review the responsibilities of a Board Member.

Basic Responsibilities:

  • Participate in shaping and achieving our organizational vision and goals.
  • Participate in staff selections and evaluations.
  • Ensure long-term organizational planning and financial viability.
  • Ensure the organization’s financial responsibility and accountability.
  • Contribute according to personal ability to the annual funding of HSNMB and actively participate in fundraising activities.
  • Ensure that the organization has adequate resources to accomplish its mission and goals and assist in raising money to provide these resources.
  • Be informed about and actively support current HSNMB programs and services.
  • Enhance and protect the public image and standing of the organization.
  • Ensure the legal and ethical integrity of HSNMB and maintain accountability.
  • Attend board meetings (typically 1 per month) and correspond via email.

Qualifications You must be an active member in good standing to become a board member. An active member is one who:

  • Has a current paid membership in HSNMB (i.e. had made a donation to HSNMB during the nominated year)
  • Is not employed or receiving payment for services from a HSNMB.
  • Does not have relatives employed by HSNMB (relative being defined as spouse, parent, children, siblings or in-laws or step relatives thereof).
  • Does not derive their living or a significant income from the commercial exploitation of animals.
  • Has not been convicted of cruelty or neglect to animals.
  • Has not engaged in blood sports involving animals.
  • Has been recommended by a HSNMB board member or director.

There are two ways to become a Board Member of HSNMB

  • You may be appointed by the Board to fill a mid-term vacancy until the expiration of that term.
  • You may be nominated for an upcoming vacancy by the HSNMB nominating committee or by a current HSNMB member in good standing and be voted into office at the annual membership meeting.

HSNMB Board members serve for terms of three (3) years and are eligible for more than one term.

We want to understand your views on current operations and how your potential contributions might fit with the organization’s vision. Please answer the following questions.

Board Application

7. Would you be willing to contribute $5000.00 or more through personal monetary contributions, like kind donations, solicitation of donations from the public through fundraising events, etc…, or a combination thereof annually?
8. Would you be willing to serve on at least one committee?
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